October 30, 2015
Dear users!
We are glad to announce that we are now updating our comments section to make the process of communication more open, convenient and constructive. From now on, you will be able to express your opinion on the software given away by logging in to your Facebook account. We do hope this update will help you find new friends here on GOTD and will eventually open new opportunities for closer collaboration.
You can also leave comments without logging in to your Facebook account. The old comment submission form can be found below the post, as usual. So the choice is still up to you ;)
Please note, that all the comments are still subject to moderation and our policy remains the same (for more information see Comments Moderation Policy in our FAQ).
Always yours
GOTD team.
Dear users,
You can also leave comments without logging in to your Facebook account. The old comment submission form can be found below the post, as usual. So the choice is still up to you ;)
Always yours,
GOTD team
Do normal people have to become a facebook NUPTY to comment about GOTD ?
Facebook is the ideal portal for those who want to expose their families to the shame of their decadence on facebook??
Seems its a backward step onto the downward slope for GOTD to jump onto that bandwaggon of indecency.
My first impression — in reading “From now on, you will be able to express your opinion on the software given away by logging in to your Facebook account…” in your top post — made my blood boil! And then in comment #1 you mention “You can also leave comments without logging in to your Facebook account.”
Why not just edit your initial post to include this comment, instead of giving the wrong impression right away? Many of us have no intention of using Facebook . . . Thank you.
Update to my earlier comment (currently #3): Thank you for editing your top post to include your comment #1! It’s now very clear that we have either option.
I just want to put in my two cents worth… I REALLY dislike your new web page and format. It is off-putting and makes it very difficult to interact or to find what I am looking for. I don’t see myself visiting as often in future.
It’s November 2, 2015 and I came here to see if there was a new game give away but it shows only November 1 and earlier which is no longer downloadable. Will you be doing a new one any time soon?
John: “bandwaggon” ?
Dear Junelle,
At the moment we are doing game giveaways only on weekends, so the new games will be coming on November 7 and November 8.
Always yours,
GOTD team
What happened to the calendar of past giveaways that appeared at the bottom of the new page up until this week? That calendar was very helpful for going back to check (or add) any new comments to past giveaways.
Assuming the calendar gets ‘returned,’ please add the name of that day’s giveaway when we hover our mouse over that day, as it used to appear on the original GotD page and was also very helpful.
Thank you!
Thank you. I noticed that I was always late for the game giveaways. Now I know to look on the weekend only. I thought that was the case after reviewing the dates. Thank you very much for your service.
Update to my earlier comment (currently #9): Thank you for adding back the calendar so quickly! Now, if we could mouse over a day to see the name of that day’s giveaway, that would be really helpful.
Thanks again!
Hi there!
I love what you do, overall because you do it for free, and this is a very nice thing from you, guys. Well, said that, I want to ask you a couple questions, because it’s something that I hate to lose all the time: Every how many days do you give the free games? Is there a way to get advised by email, like you do with the software? It is not really nice for me to be always late at the games giveaways. :(
Just want to say thank you to the GOTD Team for all of your hard work. I have been visiting your site for years and have gotten a lot of useful programs and been able to try them before buying, too.
Can someone help with this? I used to have an arkanoid game that involved a ring of seashells, with various targets inside. I think it was from Playrix, but can’t find it on their site. I’m not a big gamer so I’m not “up” on the game scene. Can someone tell me what this game was, and where to find it now? Thanks!
On another note: Thanks to the GAOTD team for the ongoing giveaways on both the Game GAOTD site as well as the regular GAOTD site. I’m a long time subscriber and have gotten some great programs from you!
When are you going to return the comments ordering back to normal so the first comment thread displayed is the first posted and not the last posted being the first displayed. The new ordering is totally illogical and hard work to read with vendors making a post, early in the day, to help downloaders and then throughout the day that helpful post goes further and further away from the downloaders view! Threads are displayed in reverse order with the messages in each thread displayed in normal order… come on, is the website developer deliberatly trying to make the site unfriendly and hard work to use?