December 8, 2010

What it takes to get an extra giveaway, or how to tweet new free software!

Hello there!

Two is always better than one, isn’t it? Especially if by two we mean the number of giveaways. And today you will have a real chance to get two titles to download!

Have you heard about that Twitter thing? Anyhow, hope you have, since it is all you need to add another giveaway to the one you already have. New free giveaway at the same day – ain’t it cool? Get ready because it’s time for some serious Twitter action!

“Serious” does not mean difficult: all you have to do is to re-tweet this notification from our twitter. As soon as we get over 100 retweets, another title by Easeus will miraculously appear (absolutely free of charge, no strings attached, blah-blah-blah etc. well, you know the whole gig). This new giveaway will be available for 24 hours from its start.

You see? It is as simple as that! Act together, re-tweet yourself and get your friends’ retweets to open new title as soon as possible!

Maybe it is your tweet we are missing at the very moment to make extra giveaway available… ;)

Best regards,
GOTD team


  1. Retweeted by you and 83 others

    Comment by rick — December 8th, 2010 at 10:59 am
  2. Retweeted by you and 100 others!?

    Comment by fur — December 8th, 2010 at 2:19 pm
  3. Always looking for free software

    Comment by Carl — December 8th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
  4. “Have you heard about that Twitter thing?”

    Sort of, but I am not interested in signing up to Twitter, or to anything else for that matter, simply to form part of a ‘pyramid scheme.’

    Plus, I have only a few (carefully selected) friends, not 500+ idiots I’ve never met who claim to be ‘friends.’

    Comment by Cad Delworth — December 8th, 2010 at 5:17 pm
  5. Thank you for the opportunity :)

    However, I think you should make more promotion for this.
    It seems to me, that not many people take notice of the blog.


  6. Dec 9.: The GOTD can be downloated, but the D Co doesn’t send the Key for registration… Tried everything without luck…
    Seem to be something wrong…

  7. “Have you heard about that Twitter thing?” was tongue-in-cheek. Everybody knows about Twitter. If you don’t use it, just don’t use it but don’t complain about something that’s both free and optional. Jeez…

    Comment by Dave Y — December 9th, 2010 at 5:21 am
  8. I second graylox’s comment. I never even noticed that there was a blog until today.

    Comment by Matt — December 9th, 2010 at 9:10 am
  9. “What it takes to get an extra giveaway, or how to tweet new free software!”
    Saw this comment in one corner of GOTD page and clicked on it out of curiosity. Great idea to have two software giveaways in one day, thanks! Will download both and try them out. The Autoplay software is definitely useful. Burning a CD or DVD for friends or family who have minimal computer skills means they may not even see the content of the disc (yes, it happens!!). So, autoplay ensures your efforts are seen right away.
    The photo recovery software is one of those apps that do nothing for ages then suddenly you need it. What a great thing to have when someone accidently deletes valuable photos from your computer!
    Thanks again.

  10. #4 Cad Delworth: To quote a well-used saying, “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all possible doubt!”

    Of course you don’t want to sign up to a “pyramid scheme” – who really does? But I’d really like to know just exactly where you got the idea that Twitter is some sort of “pyramid scheme?” Twitter is simply a messaging system – no more, no less. To accuse Twitter of being a “pyramid scheme” makes about as much sense as saying that cars should be avoided because they’re used in the majority of documented bank robberies.

    Also, your use of the term “friends” with respect to Twitter simply exemplifies your lack of understanding of Twitter – and thus clearly disqualifies you from being able to intelligently complain about it.

    If the act of “signing up” for something automatically makes it a “pyramid scheme,” then GOTD, your church newsletter, and practically every other instance where you’re asked for your name and contact info (for ANY purpose) are also “pyramid schemes” by the same standards of reckoning.

    In fact, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re already a willing participant in the most prevalent “pyramid scheme” there is, namely working for someone else at a wage-paying JOB. If you’re a citizen of the US, I know you’re DEFINITELY involved in one of the biggest PONZI SCHEMES ever – Social Security!

    Yet you probably perfectly see no problem at all with being involved in THOSE “pyramid schemes.” Oh that’s right – those are “legitimate” schemes that have the seal of approval (from those who wish to continue benefiting from your forced participation in them).

    And am I to infer from your statement that you believe the FEWER REAL FRIENDS you actually have the better? That’s the only reason I can think of why you would call people who may simply want to get to know you better in an online social setting as “idiots” – but then, I guess you know how you’re perceived by others much better than I do.

    Sure, there are certainly plenty of self-serving jerks whose only objective is to grab your wallet and run over the horizon with it. However, I believe that there are even more people who may have just listened to some bad advice about how to honestly make a little extra income online (and end up paying DEARLY for it).

    Believe it or not, there are some honest, well-meaning people out here who believe it doing things RIGHT – professionally, with courtesy and respect.

    And then there are the others, who are content to simply start slinging mud indiscriminately, joining a fight only for the sake of fighting, not caring who they slight or harm in the process. Before you set out to save the world, make sure your own feet are on solid ground!

  11. I don’t understsnd about how to re-treet or get re-treets?

    Comment by tkelly46 — December 17th, 2010 at 3:53 am
  12. I love Tweeter, no problem I’ll retweet all the way

  13. #10 An Ethical Marketer;

    Are you running for the most quotes of the day? What dribble.
    Linking cars to bank robberies is like twitter being a pyramid scheme, get real..
    Also you don’t elect to sign up for SS unless you don’t have to work to live in the USA.
    People don’t want to know you, they just want to say I have more twitter friends than you.
    So get off #4’s case.

    Comment by Bubba — December 23rd, 2010 at 6:55 am
  14. Yeah I misspelled a few words, slippery fingers.

    Comment by Bubba — December 23rd, 2010 at 6:56 am
  15. I love Tweeter, no problem I’ll retweet all the way

  16. I don’t know how to do tweet. I don’t think my kid will show me how to do this. He says a little infomation in the hands of a senior is a dangerous thing.
    I also agree with Cad Delworth.

    Comment by Grandma — December 24th, 2010 at 10:30 pm
  17. I also am not sure I know enough about Twitter either but will give it a look over and do some research it may be a good thing. I foung this site and tell others all the time to check it out. Is that kind of what you would do on twitter. Is use it to tell others about what you like or dislike about the software you get on Giveawayofthe ? Or is it more like you get info they give you and than consider yourself a friend of their tweeter for Oh well as you see I am some what kind of confused. Soooo I will look it over. If anyone wants to set me straight please do. I would appreciate any comments you have for me. I love learning new things, all the time. And by the way, I am not new to the online environment I have been online many many years. (Not given away any age here lol) Thanks for the info.
    Have a very happy Holiday and everyone Have a GREAT NEW YEAR full of new challenges and great rewards!


  18. THANK you people for all your work, i am quite new to GOTD but what a great advert to people to get free software that many may not be able to try or use if they or me had to pay, so great work from you and the companys that supply there software.
    Have a great new year to you all.

    Regards and best wishes Ian UK

    Comment by ian — December 26th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
  19. I was out of town over the Christmas weekend so I was out of touch with internet connectivity for the better part of 4 days. Did you have any special offering during the past week? Anything special being planned for New Years weekend? I will be home and have access to the internet during that time period. Not too much snow has accumulted here in south central Pensylvania. Very cold weather and losts of wind but very little pecipitation in any form.

    Are you going to offer the Radioget software again in the near future? I had the prior “free” version offered through Giveawayoftheday but that subscription unfortunately expired.

    Also, how about contacting the Web Stream Recorder Pro developer and determine if he would want to participate in the Giveawayoftheday project again. I lost the “freebie” version he offered several years ago through Giveawayoftheday. I was really impressed with the quality of the audio capture feature. I understand that he now has a version that offers capture of both stream audio and streamed video.

    Have a Happy New Yyear,


    Comment by Rick Bonner — December 30th, 2010 at 11:55 pm
  20. @Bubba (# 13)

    “Linking cars to bank robberies is like twitter being a pyramid scheme, get real..”

    That is the point that #10 An Ethical Marketer was making, neither makes sense – making the claim that twitter is a pyramid scheme is as false as linking cars to bank robberies.

    Comment by Better to read & understand a comment fully before entering "opposing" opinions — January 7th, 2011 at 8:00 pm

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