March 21, 2008

Small update on the games situation – games on the main site

Hello everyone,
For now, we will publish game giveaways on the main site, as an addition to weekend giveaways.
Please check the main site for game offers.



  1. I’ve been visiting your site for about four months now and I try to remember to do it every day. I’ve been exposed to some excellent software that I can personally use and also refer to friends and associates. I’m an IT manager and people come to me with requests and suggestions so something like this is perfect for me because it gives me an opportunity to try the software without spending an arm and a leg. Most of my needs center around utilities because I’m really not a “game” person however I’ve downloaded a couple of games that I’ve enjoyed immensely and would recommend in a heart beat. I think its a great marketing tool for the vendors because I know that I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase some of the applications if needed and I encourage others to do the same if it fits their needs.
    Thanks for your service and good luck with your future growth.

  2. Re: # 26’s comment:

    “You have just ordered filet mignon at a fancy-pants French restaurant(this site). When the waiter brings you your order, you find that he is carrying a plate of dirt(a horrible game).”

    I don’t understand this part of your analogy. Comparing a site whose existence is based upon giving away programs for free, to a high-end French restaurant…doesn’t make sense unless the restaurant was also giving away the filets?

    There’s a way to make constructive criticism about flaws of a game/program, and then there are complaints based on personal preferences. The former can help the developers create new games, as well as provide a heads-up to others who would potentially download the games. The latter, well, it can come off as being sour, because…what’s the bother in complaining that one didn’t like a free gift because it wasn’t what was wanted?

    I rarely see people complain about the posters who make legitimately helpful critical comments that can be used to enrich the use of this site. The complaints are usually about the the small but vocal group who seem very negative about the games, but whose negativity serves no purpose.

    And also, I’ve seen few people say they were bothered by constructive criticism–they’re bothered by the negativity, which are two different things.

    Comment by Jennifer — March 24th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
  3. >Jennifer

    “Re: # 26’s comment:

    “You have just ordered filet mignon at a fancy-pants French restaurant(this site). When the waiter brings you your order, you find that he is carrying a plate of dirt(a horrible game).”

    I don’t understand this part of your analogy. Comparing a site whose existence is based upon giving away programs for free, to a high-end French restaurant…doesn’t make sense unless the restaurant was also giving away the filets?”

    An analogy can never be completely accurate. I wanted to imply that the customer was hoping for something good(the filet mignon). If I had made it a gift from the person’s granny, then it would have been a gift, rather than a giveaway(a gift is personal, a giveaway is not). If I had made it a promotional giveaway for a company or something, then the person would not have hoped for anything good. If they had won something, it would imply exclusivity. So, in order to make the more important point(that they were hoping for something good, and were disappointed by the dirt), I used a restaurant.

    “There’s a way to make constructive criticism about flaws of a game/program, and then there are complaints based on personal preferences. The former can help the developers create new games, as well as provide a heads-up to others who would potentially download the games. The latter, well, it can come off as being sour, because…what’s the bother in complaining that one didn’t like a free gift because it wasn’t what was wanted?”

    I agree with you 100% there.

    “I rarely see people complain about the posters who make legitimately helpful critical comments that can be used to enrich the use of this site. The complaints are usually about the the small but vocal group who seem very negative about the games, but whose negativity serves no purpose.”

    I say that stupidity should speak for itself through negative comment ratings, but I can see why somebody would feed a troll. Still, most of the time, that isn’t the case. I see the “dont coplain its FREE” people a WHOLE lot more than the “i hate this can we get som action” people.

    “And also, I’ve seen few people say they were bothered by constructive criticism–they’re bothered by the negativity, which are two different things.”

    Well, yeah, hardly anybody will say that they dislike constructive criticism – they’ll gloss over anything negative with their hideous platitudes. I guess that that’s what you meant by the second part of your statement here.

    Comment by Lockett — March 24th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
  4. I am another one who has Arthritis and often in pain as I am allergic to so many of the pain drugs on offer and I love this site as like Sherry and others, Games often take me away from the pain. Keep up the Good work GAOD I love 99% of the gifts on both sites and if I don’t want it I don’t have to download it…..So there is no need for the nasty comments by the sad few that have nothing better to do with their time than bad mouth a great site

    Comment by Jan — March 25th, 2008 at 8:03 am
  5. Just an FYI for whatever it’s worth…
    Now that games are on the main site I’m forgetting to check for them (not showing at top of rss feed for GOTD, and GGOTD remains – sadly – empty) – any particular reason why they were moved from the game page? Would it be a big hassle list it both places? Not trying to grouse, just finding my happy place.

    Comment by monkie — March 25th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
  6. I’ve been checking GOTD pretty religiously for a couple of months now. Thank you for all the offerings. I’ve found some great utilities AND games, also leading to me considering purchases for other products published by the relevant software companies. My little kids love some of the games (as does their mum), including a Fairy flowers one listed a couple of months back. I enjoy playing them too. I’m missing the daily offerings, now that they’re not there. Hope they can come back soon. I too would appreciate any repeats as I’ve lost a couple of games and utilities due to hard drive crashes. Thanks for all the free stuff!

  7. After the game giveaway and giveaway are posted, I would read about the product and decide if it is worth downloading. I do have a collection of both giveaways. Then I would read the comments left by the public to determine if MY initial findings was shared by anyone. Some comments help, some don’t and some don’t make any sense.

    One thing I’ve learned from some of these comments, is that, it is easy to lose track of this sites intention. Comments here are ‘self-oriented’ (what I want) and not what is needed to improve products. My view is, this is a vicious cycle which was created by the comments left by the visitors of this site. Let me explain when I say vicious cycle. Developers of these products are reading these comments and doing as you suggest. They then try to accommodate your requests (as you suggested) only to have it rediculed over and over again……….vicious cycle. They cannot please everyone! Try to keep it product oriented.

    Comment by Mrs "B" — March 26th, 2008 at 8:59 am
  8. Haha –

    Isn’t it amazing? All the while the games were coming, all you could read here was whining about the quality, etc. Now it’s much appreciation and all.

    I guess the whiners all went to some other site to continue their whining… and left us with a whole lot of… ???

    Comment by Hobo — March 26th, 2008 at 10:54 am
  9. Gee I’ve been wondering why I didn’t get a daily email. I miss checking to see what the new game is. I play these games every day and when the GKs are here they love them. I had just gotten them to sign up for the daily email at their home. In fact I’ve not even installed my paid-for games on this pc.
    Poor #26, I think he’s been watching too much arguing and sniping and rudeness on the political news stations and it must have rubbed off on him.

    Comment by nana — March 26th, 2008 at 1:13 pm
  10. A real BIG Thank you! :D

    Comment by César — March 26th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
  11. Please point me to the site where daily game giveaways are to be. I must have missed something. Ava

  12. Where is the main site, so I can get the games again? I have missed being able to try different games each day.

  13. Hello all,
    the main site is

  14. Bottom line, I used this sight for free games. I critiqued some, had fun. But its over as I knew it.I’ll check you out on the weekends maybe. But I was looking for a free sight when I found you, and there are SOOOO many other free sights that it will be an easy transition. I am sure it will be harder for some but trust me the world is a much bigger place than ggad, so I encourage all to let this be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. I too live with “chronic pain” and am partialy disabled and I do use games to just zone out. In fact when I was laid up for 18 months they became my escape. But alas insureance runs out and kids need college money so back to work, with the pain and the pills. Good night to all. On a side note, thanks to Stephen (white rabbit) for your reviews they helped me trash many a crummy game before I even saw it.

    Comment by Russ — March 27th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
  15. Where is main site? No link on your giveaway page that I can see.

    Comment by Dee Gin — March 28th, 2008 at 2:59 am
  16. Thanks again for such a great site! Keep up with
    the good work and let us enjoy more good games.
    Thanks a lot.You Rock!!!

    Comment by Blue — March 28th, 2008 at 8:39 pm
  17. great work guys

    Comment by magnam — March 29th, 2008 at 9:03 am
  18. You know, if you are not planning on giving away games anymore that is your business… but don’t lie to us and tell us you will have them on the weekends. It makes your company look unreliable. Fortunately for you your services are free to the public because any company expecting pay for the kind of unreliability you’ve shown would sink fast.

    Comment by Brenda — March 29th, 2008 at 11:36 am
  19. Where are the games? It´s the weekend now…DOn´t know where the main site is.

  20. Thanks for many, many, many wonderful games (as Captain Lassard from the Police Academy would say)! The Armadillo game would be great for one of the future editions of GGOTD :D

    Comment by Mirta — March 30th, 2008 at 6:58 am
  21. I just have to ask! Judging from the games this weekend, is this the end of the road for the game side of this site?

    That is the feeling I’m getting!

    Will hate to see it go!


    Comment by sukibabe — March 30th, 2008 at 11:46 am
  22. first time user to this site . love it

    Comment by Elaine — March 30th, 2008 at 5:25 pm
  23. Love Your Site!!!!!

    No Matter What The Strange, Ungrateful People Say!!!!!!!

    Comment by Bill — March 31st, 2008 at 5:07 am
  24. thank you for this lovely site.i wish ,if it’s possible if you can put on some word games? thank you Doreen, Malta

    Comment by doreen — April 1st, 2008 at 5:27 am
  25. I love your site and I gotten so many great games which I really love. One of my favorite is The Rise of Atlantis and wouldn’t you know it since it was offered on New Years Eve, I missed it. Please offer it again. A suggestion for everyone. Have the GOTD go to your inbox. Its real easy to sign up and then you just have to make sure you go into your inbox every day. Thank you for everything.

    Comment by Carmen — April 1st, 2008 at 8:01 pm
  26. It’s a good news for me! Thank you.

  27. Where is the main page for the have been tring for several weekends to look at the games and I have had no luck. So I’ll will till it comes out

    Comment by Kathy Martin — April 5th, 2008 at 8:48 am
  28. ever since you began the weekend game giveaway, I cannot get any games. I download them and when they go to install, I get an error msg and it shuts down. HELP – I so look forward to the weekends to get a new game and it happens with them all.

    Comment by judi — April 6th, 2008 at 12:04 pm
  29. I would love to have the game Nuclear Ball brought back, I never was able to get it downloaded. This is such a great site!

    Comment by Michelle — April 7th, 2008 at 6:37 am
  30. I think you guys have a great site and a great idea. The free software is very helpful. I am not sure how the time limit works though, At 7:00AM CDT the site says 19 hours left yet 13 hours later at 8:00PM CDT the registry entry is gone and the program is only a demo. How is the time figured and how can I tell how long I have to get home from work and download the program?

  31. #77 -Kathy..upper left hand tab…says “Main”.
    And BTW…I love the site!!! Thanks for all the giveaways..

    Comment by Nancy — April 8th, 2008 at 8:34 am
  32. I would also like to say thank you for all of the wonderful games and programs that you have given away in the past years. I have been using your site for 3 plus years. Sometimes I found sometimes I can use and sometimes not, but I still appreciate the time you have taken to provide these games to use. If I cannot use the program that day maybe someone else can. Two years ago Memorial week-end, I was down loading a game from your web site and before I could finish activating it I had to go to the ER as my son was in a life threating situation, so for the next month I spent all my time at the major trama center in my state. He had broken every bone in face and skull at the time–healing ok now, still a ways to go, but you would not know it by looking at him now — ATV rack drove into check. The only thing that saved him was no helmet on. Anyways, when I finally got home again and did try to get the program up and running, I was able to contact the company that had provided the game and they were so nice to me, they even sent the activation code to me so that now the game is mine and we both enjoy playing it. So again I would like to say “THANK YOU, and keep up the great work that you are doing”. And to all of the whinners out there, you are not the only person they are helping, so remember there are alot of other people who could use the program, if you cannot. For all of you people who are in alot of pain, I fill for you guys. I know what contanstant pain can do to a person and I also know that games do help to take your mind off of it for awhile. So keep up the great work!

    Comment by Lin — April 14th, 2008 at 7:44 am
  33. Thanks so much for the progs you people offer. You guys are really doing a great job. Keep it up!

    Comment by maxline — May 9th, 2008 at 3:20 pm

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