December 29, 2007

Giveaway of the Day Top 10 of the year 2007

Season’s greetings!

It is the end of the year and we decided to present you with our Giveaway of the Day Top 10 of the year 2007.

After counting unique download rate for each program, pageviews, and your ratings, we have compiled a list of the 10 best programs.

Please note, that this Top 10 list reflects major preferences of our audience and may not fully reflect the quality of the programs. Unfortunately, a lot of deserving software did not have a chance to get into our list because their target audience is too small. For example, Smart Install Maker, Magicscore, BusinessCards MX or FlashSpring may be deserving, but lack broad appeal.

10 best games:

As always you can express your opinion in our forum!


  1. What can I say? If someone only downloaded a couple of these programs this year and enjoys them, it would still be worth their time and effort to visit GAOTD EVERY DAY! If there was a Top 10 List for the best consumer related site on the Internet, I would vote you onto it without a moment’s hesitation. All the very best in 2008 to the GAOTD team, the website and the companies that are smart enough (and brave enough) to allow you access to their software. From a loyal fan

    Comment by NannySamdi — December 29th, 2007 at 10:36 am
  2. Wow! I can’t believe I got 7 of those! Great programs, although Aimersoft is definitely my favorite.

    Comment by Smiles n' Grins — December 29th, 2007 at 11:19 am
  3. Returnil Virtual System is my all-time favorite and most useful. I use Glary Utilities for most utility needs. The most interesting to me were the programming-related ones like Flash Decompiler, Smart Install Maker and the many macro programs. And there are way too many multimedia-related programs I like to mention them.

    Now, if I could just drag myself away from the great games I’ve gotten from here, I might actually get around to using these more. :)

    Comment by jr46 — December 29th, 2007 at 12:11 pm
  4. Thanks for publishing this list, it is helpful. I have to admit I have become a Giveaway junkie since I got hooked in October. Unfortunately only EverNote, of the top ten, was offerred since Oct, so I see now what I missed. I’m sad, but hopeful.
    My personal favorite “honorable mention” is AnVir Task Manager. This thing rocks, as a startup manager and understandable explainer of all those mysterious processes and services that can be too scary to mess with. AnVir gave my confidence a big boost and I learn more about what is going on “under the hood” everytime I open it. I have not seen anything else that comes close to doing what AnVir does. This is one I would surely buy if I lost the GAOTD version, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to others.
    Even though I wish that the minority of bitter, ungrateful and often not well informed complainers would just… lurk, overall I really like the community, and most of the information is interesting and helpful.
    Happy New Year to all of you, and many many thanks.

    Comment by John Felice — December 29th, 2007 at 1:39 pm
  5. For me #1 is AnVir Task Manager.

    Comment by Mr. Zlo — December 29th, 2007 at 2:29 pm
  6. In my opinion, about half of the listed programs were put up on GAOTD at least twice, so as a result, would be able to gain more downloads and more ratings.
    I have all the programs, And I believe that about 80% of the programs are the best equally. The other 20% were mostly screensavers since they have no real use for me. I doubt if ConceptDraw was a useful program though.

    Comment by Lifeiscruel — December 29th, 2007 at 3:52 pm
  7. #4-me, too, to just about everything you said. Now that I see this list, I’m kicking myself for missing out on so many excellent programs before I stumbled upon this fantastic site. I certainly hope, and I believe large numbers of others will agree, that these top programs of the year, at the very least, will be offered again soon for those who somehow missed out.

    Comment by internet explorer — December 29th, 2007 at 8:42 pm
  8. A hearty ‘thank you’ to the developers that partnered with Giveaway of the Day in 2007. I’ve tested virtually all of the programs offered and purchased several of them, often dazzled by your creativity.

    You have helped to enhance my internet security, boost my productivity, organize my media collection, spice up my scrapbooks, recover data thought forever lost AND make lots of brownie points with the grandkids. Whew! I can look forward to your maddeningly addictive games!

    Slava, I hope that 2008 brings contentment and success to you, your team and each of the fledgling developers showcased on your site.

    PS: I don’t suppose you would be interested in running for President in 2008?

    Comment by Bobby — December 29th, 2007 at 9:41 pm
  9. I actually appreciate all the media converters, as I work with video and don’t do much testing at work I use these programs to see what works instinctively and what is difficult. Thanks GAOTD we use some like the AVS media converter at work now and purchased a few licenses so we aren’t in violation. I really like getting a chance to try a program longer than 15-30 days. Often I am so busy I don’t get to evaluate software for purchase recomendations in such a short amount of time. Thanks again GAOTD, I have been up on many new companies to watch for good software, and I found a few I wouldn’t choose either and it is good to get to “know” a program before trying to see if our disk image will break if we install it campus wide. Happy New Year and Keep up the Good Work!

    Comment by Michael Bast — December 30th, 2007 at 3:16 am
  10. Evernote, Advanced WindowsCare, Premium Booster, and Glary Utilities are my favorite. I also lucky to have all ten softwares listed above.

  11. The top ten list would be more useful if one could actually download these hits again. I’m not sure how you determined the top ten, but I will agree that these are some of the better softs that were put up on the site. There were many good programs offered throughout the year and I am grateful that GAOTD is in business. I hope that you will continue in your success in the coming new year.

    Comment by Kevin — December 30th, 2007 at 3:39 am
  12. I’ve been visiting this site every day for a year and i love it when i an able to watch one of my friends buying the software i just got free. they need to get rid of screen savers, though. they are a waste of your processor time because their point is to run while you aren’t there. they need to stop running the exact same type of programs over and over and get rid of the ones that over 80% of people couldn’t think of a use for, especially the business card, flowchart, watermark, and image and text tools. they need more video, security, and some graphics customizing tools that do something to your display that doesn’t look like 95 and isn’t a screen saver or wallpaper. how about a decent animation utility? or a visual style skinner?

    Comment by Stephen — December 30th, 2007 at 3:48 am
  13. while there are some programs that very few people would actually use in their normal lives, please don’t take the word of just a few as to which ones these are. For instance, there is probably a bigger market for the business card programs out there than some people realize. Personally I wouldn’t give two seconds of my time for a skinner, wallpaper or screen saver program, but I realize there are those that like such decorations. Just keep the good programs like the top ten above coming as frequently as conditions allow and I”ll be happy to take what I can get. Thanks.

    Comment by internet explorer — December 30th, 2007 at 8:42 am
  14. I’m surprised there is not one mention of FlashSpring. Not only is it one of the more expensive offerings given for free, it does an awesome job in producing a flash file from a Powerpoint production. It can handle full audio, flash, and movie inserts from ppt…I was pleasantly surprised by the flawless efficiency as compared to any of the video converters of ppt. If you do video, the flash are easier to screen capture using less computer resources. So, I vote FlashSpring #1, and Glary Utilities #2…and am eagerly looking forward to GAOTD’s good work in the coming year. Thanks much from a first time poster, but avid GAOTD downloader.

    Comment by DickDee — December 30th, 2007 at 9:39 am
  15. Advanced WindowsCare Professional
    is fantastic I purchased it-thanks GAOTD

    Snowy Lunch Rush is very addictive-we have competitions going on

    Comment by gramma pecos — December 30th, 2007 at 7:15 pm
  16. Why is Glary Utilities #7 on this list and everybody talking about it? It’s a freeware download from ZDNet (with free registration required), so how does it qualify to be GiveawayOfTheDay in the first place and why is everyone so glad GAOTD offered it for free if it is already free, huh?

    Comment by internet explorer — December 30th, 2007 at 8:25 pm
  17. About Top 10 GGOTD, too bad few know about Zombie Smashers X2. It successfully made me addicted and become my absolute no. 1 top GGOTD!

  18. How about a ‘Top 10’ rerun in January to chime in the new year for thse of us which might have missed some of these?? Happy New Year!!

    Comment by Madhatterpa — December 31st, 2007 at 1:21 am
  19. I get withdrawal symptoms if I can’t get to this site each day but because of a heavy workschedule that is sadly how it is sometimes. Advanced Windows Care has been a success for me and on the games side, Brickshooter still gives me enjoyable relaxation when I get the chance to use it. Just 2 weeks ago, I lost 20 years of data in MS Works and so far have found no successful way of finding it. Maybe sometime in the near future a programme for this will be provided and I will then be one happy chappy. Another one I’m waiting for is a way to change ppt to avi or similar. I have a ppt slide of my late daughters photos and want to put it onto her funeral dvd. Keep up the good supply and have a most enjoyable and profitable 2008.

    Comment by One eyed Kiwi — December 31st, 2007 at 5:31 am
  20. I thought Returnil Virtual System should have made the list! I use it almost everyday and have had NO! problems with it.

    I guess RVS did not make the list because of all the FUD that was thrown around by the naysayers. If they only knew what they were talking about! It blows my mind how simple and functional it is. I created the “Virtual” Drive to save what every I want saved and when I am finished using it, I just hit the power button and turn off my computer (NO NEED to run the shutdown routine!) ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR of downloading something that I find interesting but am unsure if it is safe!

    The other real surprise offering was EverNote! I did not realize how powerful it was until I started using it! It is EXACTLY what I needed and did not even know it existed! – I do a lot of Internet research and find EverNote’s ability to save highlighted information on a web page ALONG WITH THE URL the information came from is for me evolutionary! No more wondering where a particular piece of information came from!

    Being a dyslexic, as I am on the trail of a particular piece of information, I can get easily distracted by other information I find interesting. NO PROBLEM when using EverNote because I just send everything I need to EverNote and then organize the information later using the tags!

    — Now I must say that I was really bummed out the a different version of EverNote was given away while I was away on Christmas Holiday. So I missed it!

    For the games – I was surprised that Ingenious did not make the list.

    Comment by StarPilot — December 31st, 2007 at 11:25 am
  21. >DickDee

    “Unfortunately, a lot of deserving software did not have a chance to get into our list because their target audience is too small. For example, Smart Install Maker, Magicscore, BusinessCards MX or FlashSpring


    That would be great, but impossible. By some strange coincidence, all of the companies whose products made the list would have to offer their products again, and at the same time. Sorry, but it isn’t going to happen.

    Comment by Lockett — December 31st, 2007 at 7:48 pm
  22. Unfortunately, I missed several of programs listed due to not finding this site until later in the year. Hopefully they will rerun some of the popular ones that hit last spring. Ditto for Evernote! Also for runner-up, BusinessCards MX. I don’t have a business, but I do contract and while socializing it’s nice to have a business card that show what I do. Using BusinessCards MX, I put together a very nice business card, got some glossy stock and printed it on my Epson (you’ve got to have a really good, photo-type printer.) The card stock they’ve got today is miles ahead, it breaks apart and you can’t see or feel the perforations. My homemade business cards looked as professional, if not more so, as any being handed out.

    Another runner-up (also maybe because of a narrow appeal) should have been Liquid Story Binder XE. It’s primarily for writers or at least projects needing story-boarding/outlines/timelines, etc. Like Evernote, it keeps everything in place. There is a learning curve involved, but extremely beneficial the price is reasonable it’s something you really need.

    Regarding games, I was surprised that Hacker Evolution was #1. Loved Magic Ball 3 and The Treasures of Montezuma (latter I’m still playing!) Those were the best of the breakout and match-3 genres. Also love Aquaball–another, unusual breakout. Missing for me is Turtix which was delightful side-scroller, which was challenging and enough fun for us big kids. Also liked Mahjongg Artifacts, although the story version was way too short.

    I look forward to finding more gems on GOTD–I hope those putting out programs realize that, if you’re going to create something meant for commercial-ware, it had better be unique or do a LOT more than a freeware or open-source item already offered or you’re going to hear about it. Of all the programs I saw and/or downloaded, there are only about 3-4 programs and only about 1 or 2 games I would consider buying if my system crashed.

    Comment by Geek Grrl — December 31st, 2007 at 8:45 pm
  23. well I have just downloaded evernote recently and that’s my first visit here. So glad that EN is the 1st on your ladder.

    Comment by riverwind — January 1st, 2008 at 5:50 am
  24. i didnt like evernote im sry but i found no use for it and also im really mad bc i missed alot of dowloads while my computer was crashed and in the shop i check this site every day and i love it i just never leave reviews haha anyways keep up the good work im hoping for more video editing programs and prgrams that are fun and look good like i love aston i use it sometimes and you pick great programs for people that dont know alot about advanced computers so im able to use everything thanks for everything this past year.

    Comment by patar — January 1st, 2008 at 7:08 pm
  25. I agree with no. 22 on just about everything, except I must plead not guilty on games, as I do not play them except for my daily SuDoku and crossword puzzles and occasional Scrabble (which I’d like to do more) or even less frequent card game, or the like, none of which grow like kudzu and consume a large amount of time which I don’t have to spare. Since I need money to pay bills, I find that some of your software is more commercial than others, such as the business card program. Also it would be helpful if you offer programs for stationery, creation of web sites, search engine optimization (and other site promotion help) and mailing list management, among others. Keep up the good work!!!

    Comment by windowsexplorer — January 1st, 2008 at 8:35 pm
  26. The list is Awesome!! How about next year offering your top 10 list to be downloaded again… For everyone to start their year right! Happy new year!

    Comment by James — January 1st, 2008 at 8:58 pm
  27. Lol kinda wish PageFour was on this list. I got hooked on GAOTD earlier this year and it’s been my absolute favorite program given away.

    Comment by roookie777 — January 1st, 2008 at 10:07 pm
  28. No surprise to see Evernote at the top, but surprised 10 strike’s Search My Discs didn’t make the top 10 I ended up buying it, then found a BETTER one in “Whereisit”
    Games – surprised the RIP games didnt get there, ot that Magic Ball 3 wasn’t higher.
    I’d like Magic Ball 3 again – lost it with a damn unavoidable reinstall of windows. Love those sort of games.
    Dragon would be good too – and a repeat of Dragon….

    Comment by Phil K — January 2nd, 2008 at 3:24 am
  29. Please – just in case you haven’t already decided to do so – I’m adding my request to the pile asking you to repeat these oldies but goodies for your new fans (and those of us that may have missed them in the past … Thanks very much in advance … ;o)

    And here’s to a wonderful New Year Too!

    Comment by WebbyOne — January 2nd, 2008 at 1:26 pm
  30. Evernote really was a great title. I have changed computers since then and so no longer can use it… It was great. I hope you’ll consider offering it again!

    I don’t mind kissing a few frogs to come up with the occasional prince. Not that there’s anything wrong with that ;-)

    Happy New Year!

    Comment by Dan — January 2nd, 2008 at 3:31 pm
  31. re #30–me, I prefer kissing (not-so) ugly ducklings that turn into swan princesses, if you know what I mean, but each to his/her own.

    Comment by windowsexplorer — January 3rd, 2008 at 10:11 am
  32. to #31–or waking up sleeping beauties sounds even better to me.

    Comment by internetexplorer — January 3rd, 2008 at 1:58 pm
  33. Lots more traffic, or at least commenters, on the daily freebie page than this one. Wonder how much of the difference is because they get to be “rated” there but not here. Adding it here could test that.

    Comment by computersexplore — January 3rd, 2008 at 8:38 pm
  34. GOTD is my favourite coffeebreak at 4 -5 pm everyday. I downloaded 8 of the top ten, removed 4 with my favorites remaining Advanced Windows Care, Premium Booster, Concept Draw and DVD Ripper. Also liked 2nd Speech Centre, PageFour and Media Resizer.

    Please run Concept Draw again; all four; ie Mindmap, Project, Webwave and Business Suite for 2008.

    Thanks a lot for 2007…

    Comment by Amy Lee — January 4th, 2008 at 4:11 am
  35. I missed Aston… any plans on giving away new version?

  36. Well, none of the original GOTD software ever worked for me except for Glary Utilities. Which is really good software. Hacker Evolution deserved to be #1. It’s original, it’s challenging, has a great story, graphics are good plus it’s pretty fun. It’s a solid game where you can obviously tell quality work went into it. While I didn’t download The Treasures of Montezuma, it did well because it’s already popular. It’s well known already. Master of Defense wasn’t all that great. Snowy’s Lunch Rush was cute and a pretty good Diner Dash clone.

    Comment by MASA — January 4th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
  37. My favorite was #2 on the top 10. unfortunately it expired in September , and I await you offering it again. In the meantime , I use the personal (freeware) version , it lacks the auto download, auto run & cleanup features , but otherwise it works great.

    Thank you for a year of great programs. & I look forward to 2008.

    Comment by CBO — January 6th, 2008 at 4:14 am
  38. Well I had most of these programs until my hard drive died!

    Any chance we will see a special rerun of the 2007 top ten in 2008?

    Thanks for all the good work to all involved.

    Comment by Amigoat — January 6th, 2008 at 2:27 pm
  39. Im glade to see that Aston made it to the top ten. Because I’m still using it, See:

    Also GOTD, I want to see a repeat of “WWII Tank Commander” and “Alien Shooter” please. So I can download them. Or do what #18 said, which was also a good idea.

  40. i just uninstalled EverNote few weeks ago, …

    Comment by katsu — February 7th, 2008 at 2:48 am
  41. I don’t see how Wirekeys didn’t make this list, I have a different pc now and can’t believe how much I miss it, hope it’s a re-giveaway someday :)

    Comment by TJ — February 7th, 2008 at 3:53 pm
  42. Hi
    Just found this list as I don’t usually read the blogs.
    Could we somehow get a Top Ten Freeware Games/Software? Also a list of trusted download sites for same.
    P.S. Reading the comments veryday has filled in the hole where Passions (soap opera) was in my heart.;-}

    Comment by dobromilka — February 12th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
  43. i like this website i wish if u offre a free windows that will be great: thanks;

    Comment by pakos — February 13th, 2008 at 7:02 pm
  44. I think it’s great that they have different kinds of software available.

    Evernote & Business CardsMX have been highly useful for me. I use Evernote daily, and it really does take the place of a notebook for joting things down – I even use it to compose short articles by grabbing info from here or there, and putting it evernote.

    The Business cards is highly useful for anyone who wants professional business cards or a social card for hobby functions.

    I’m sure veryone has different definitions of “useless” software – the nice thing is that you will find some gems here, and they are free.

    My favorite games were Ingenious (the reason I came to this site), Hyperballoid & Dragon. Ingenious is a fun boardgame converted to computer, and I play the boardgame quite a bit.

    Comment by stevegamer — February 15th, 2008 at 1:08 pm
  45. can there be a rerun of these top 10 in both games and software all on the same day to let us try out those which we thought were unworthy of our attention? at least we could try them again if so many people think that these games and software were good

    Comment by too456 — February 20th, 2008 at 3:05 am
  46. there are many free software video converters on the internet that we can download but the best ones are always paid version ;

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