October 12, 2007
Good news everyone! From now on all GAOTD Tickers are available in all supported languages: Deutsch, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch and Russian!
So, if you have Spanish web-site (for example) and would like to feature our ticker in your native language go to the Spread the Word section on the Giveaway of the day in Espanol (Cuéntale al Mundo), choose the ticker and copy-paste the appropriate code into your web page or blog.
If you already had GAOTD ticker on your site, but want to replace it with non-English equivalent just choose the preferred language and replace the one you had with it.
Thank you for spreading the word about our initiative! Enjoy free games and software!
Best luck,
Die deutsche übersetzung erfolgt im falschen Zeichensatz. UTF-8 wäre hier glaube ich richtig. Gruß Knollo